RAD Cheer Try-Outs

Get ready to bring your spirit and skills to the forefront! RAD cheer tryouts are an exhilarating opportunity to showcase your talent, enthusiasm, and team spirit. Whether you're a seasoned cheerleader or new to the sport, we welcome all levels of experience. Our tryouts focus on teamwork, technique, and dedication, as we aim to build a dynamic squad that embodies excellence on and off the mat. Join us for an unforgettable experience filled with energy, encouragement, and the chance to become part of our RAD cheer family!


What time should we be there?

  1. We have two try-out times!

11:00-12:00PM for cheer leaders under 10 years of age

12:00-1:00PM for cheer leaders 10+ years of age

What should we expect?

  1. Cheerleader tryouts typically involve several components to assess a candidate's skills, athleticism, and team spirit. Here's what you can generally expect:
  2. Warm-Up and Stretching: Prepare your body with a thorough warm-up and stretching session to prevent injuries during the tryout.
  3. . Skills Demonstration: You'll likely be asked to perform various cheerleading skills such as jumps, tumbling passes, stunts, and dance routines. Make sure to showcase your strengths while also demonstrating coachability and willingness to improve.
  4. Stunting: If applicable, you may be asked to participate in stunting exercises where you'll work with other candidates and demonstrate your ability to base, fly, or spot stunts safely and effectively.
  5. Spirit and Attitude: Show enthusiasm, positivity, and a supportive attitude throughout the tryout process. Coaches are looking for team players who can uplift and encourage their teammates.
  6. Fitness and Conditioning: Expect some physical conditioning exercises to assess your strength, flexibility, and endurance. Cheerleading requires a high level of fitness, so be prepared to demonstrate your physical capabilities.
  7. Teamwork: Throughout the tryout, demonstrate your ability to work well with others, take direction from coaches, and contribute positively to a team environment.

Who will be running the try-outs?

  1. Our coaches are USASF certified coaches and Revival Academy of Dance is a USASF certified club. Our coaches are acrobatic arts certified, experienced in tumbling, and educated in safety through USASF.

What should my son or daughter wear?

  1. For try-outs we recommend cheerleaders dress in comfortable clothing that allows for the ease of movement, remember that tumbling may be required and dress so that you feel comfortable and secure, sneakers that are not worn outside are highly recommended. Street shoes will not be allowed on the cheer mats.

Will this be a fun experience?

  1. Remember to arrive well-prepared, dressed in appropriate attire, and with a positive attitude. Cheerleading tryouts can be competitive, but they're also an opportunity to showcase your skills and passion for the sport.